Healthy Hearts - May 27th

Croí Healthy Hearts Programme (May 27th 2024)

Please read the following GDPR statement and tick the box at the end if you consent. 

The Croí Healthy Hearts Programme is a self-paced virtual programme designed to help you understand the risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Part of this programme involves the gathering and recording of information about you.  In line with General Data Protections Regulations (2018), the information below outlines for you how we protect and manage your personal data that you share with us, and that we hold about you. You provide us with personal data when you join the Croí Healthy Hearts Programme. This includes your name, address, mobile number, email address and relevant medical history. The information you provide us with, is retained and stored electronically on a secure database. We do not transfer your data outside of the EU.  If data is used outside of the EU for research purposes, this will only be anonymized data and not your personal data. Your information will be used to provide the appropriate care and/or service for you. It may also be used to research aspects of care provided to you. Your information may be used for audit or research purposes. This research will be invaluable in the development and improvement of care for individuals who may be at risk of heart disease, stroke or diabetes. Any data that is used for audit or research purposes will be anonymized. Information is retained in line with the General Data Protection Policy (GDPR).  This means that we will only retain your personal information for the length of time needed to provide the appropriate care and /or service for you. The GDPR grants you the right to access particular personal data that we hold about you.  This is referred to as ‘Subject Access Request’.  We will respond promptly, and certainly within one month from the point of receiving the request and all necessary information from you.  Our formal response will include details of the personal information we hold about you. You have the right to obtain from us, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data we hold concerning you. You have the right to obtain the erasure of personal data concerning you, without undue delay.

Why we need to obtain your informed consent:  We have a duty to provide you with this information to clearly inform you of the reasons for collecting personal data and its use. The provision of this information is subject to you giving us express consent.  


If we do not receive this consent from you, we will be unable to accept you onto our programmes. 

‘I have read and understood the above information regarding the need for Informed Consent.  I understand that my data will be stored electronically on a secure database, in accordance with the General Data Protections Guidelines (2018) to be used for the purposes described above.  I agree for my anonymized data to be used for audit purposes to inform service development and contribute to research activities. I agree that I have provided my email and phone number so that I may be contacted by Croí for the purposes of the Healthy Hearts programme, to provide feedback on the programme being delivered, other Croi Health Programmes and Health Information. I can seek to have my contact details removed from the mailing list on completion of the programme by emailing

Croí would like to occasionally contact you to provide updates and let you know how you can support our mission. Please use the options below to select how Croí can interact with you. You can withdraw your consent at any time.